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Hello, my name is Jeremy

Jeremy Meiss

Developer Experience & DevRel Consultant

I am a Developer Experience and Developer Relations leader with nearly three decades of versatile experience in the tech industry, from support, networking, systems, databases, and application and website development, to developer relations and community engagement. With extensive experience at SMBs and enterprise companies like Auth0, CircleCI, Sprint, and Hallmark Cards, I am a committed advocate for open-source software and tools, and have a deep passion for developer relations, community, and their role in improving the developer experience. I am driven to enable the technically savvy to be your greatest champions.

Beyond my professional pursuits, I am a devoted husband and father, am extremely passionate about coffee, the mountains, and love exploring new technologies.

"Developers don’t care that you know, until they know that you care."
Program Committee Member - cdCon 2024
Speaker: Open Source Summit North America 2024
Program Committee Member: Open Source Summit North America 2024
Speaker - Continuous Delivery Mini Summit 2023
Program Committee: Spinnaker Summit 2023
Speaker - cdCon 2022
Community Management
Developer Relations
Conference Speaking
Product Management

Recent Posts


DevEx Institute

Jan 2024 - Present


Co-Founder, DevEx Consultant

Jan 2024 - Present

  • Help and advise companies in creating, managing, and growing their Developer Experience initiatives.
  • Build relationships with developers and practitioners in the community.
  • Speak on topics related to Developer Experience at events, conferences, and meetups.

blueDog Consulting

Mar 2017 - Present


Independent Consultant

Mar 2017 - Present

  • Help and advise companies in creating, managing, and growing their Developer Relations and Developer Community activities, including

    • Developer community and engagement initiatives
    • Building up their internal- and external-facing experience for developers and practitioners
    • Advising on content around use cases and developer-centric endeavors via documentation, tutorials, blog posts, and videos
  • Speak at industry and developer events about Developer Relations, Community, Developer Productivity, and more.


Feb 2020 - Aug 2023


Director, Developer Relations & Community

Feb 2020 - Aug 2023

  • Led both execution and strategy in building a program to engage, educate, and excite the user base and build relationships with developers across the verticals.
  • Managed a global team of Developer Advocates and Community Managers focusing on creating scalable, impactful, and trackable programs serving both internal and external audiences.
  • Collaborated closely with Product, Customer Engineering, Business Development, Engineering, Brand Marketing teams, and Events to ensure coordinated participation and a consistent narrative for the developer.
  • Worked with Marketing and Sales to effectively launch new services, features, and enhancements through the community and support the CircleCI Developer Community through speaking engagements, webinars, and other events.
  • Achievements

    • Grew team through the COVID-19 pandemic, and built a strong, cohesive team that was able to pivot to a virtual-first world.
    • Formulated strategy which integrated the DevRel & Community org into the Customer journey, and built tracking and reporting mechanisms to measure success.
    • Built the event participation model for the DevRel & Community org which contributed over $3mil in pipeline during my time there.


Feb 2019 - Feb 2020


Director, Developer Relations & Community

Feb 2019 - Feb 2020

  • Led, coordinated, and managed the global Developer Community, the team, and Developer Relations initiatives.
  • Used Developer Advocacy to shape the product roadmap, refine the developer experience, and build growth and engagement.
  • Responsible for putting in place the developer content strategy to provide developers using the PubSub+ platform with the resources necessary to be successful, from samples to tutorials to workshops and more.
  • Attended and spoke at conferences, events, and participated in online and offline communities, to grow the awareness and implementation of Solace PubSub+.


Dec 2017 - Feb 2019


Head of Community

Dec 2017 - Feb 2019

  • Led a team tasked with building, growing, and maintaining a community for Developers interested in Auth0 products.
  • Developed and implemented the online and offline engagement strategy.
  • Refined the Developer Experience for the product, and built relationships with developers.
  • Attended and spoke at events around Modern Identity, Community, and Developer Relations.
  • Built out Open Source Maintainer strategy, as well as implemented an MVP/Experts program.

Fastboot Mobile, LLC

Apr 2014 - Dec 2017


Co-Founder, COO

Apr 2014 - Dec 2017

  • Managed overall technical operations and direction, including project management and R&D with a focus on Android platform and application development, Web and IoT solutions, and security process analysis.
  • Managed multi-functional, multi-national, distributed teams in 4 countries and across 6 time zones.
  • Client management, technical consulting, and support on solutions delivered to OEMs, carriers and mobile brands in China, India and United States.
  • Quality control on solution delivery.

XDA Developers

Feb 2010 - Dec 2017


Developer & Community Relations Director

Feb 2010 - Dec 2017

  • Public face of largest mobile online community in the world with over 7mil members
  • Management and oversight of News Portal.
  • Building relationships between OEMs and independent developers, and between developers and their users.
  • Advocate for Open Source practices and advocate for the use of Open Source in the mobile industry, including license compliance with OEMs like Sony, Samsung, HTC, and others.
  • Speaking at conferences and meeting with teams on how to work with the community to implement their product, whether software, hardware, or services.

Intouch Solutions

Mar 2012 - Apr 2014

Overland Park, KS

Business Systems Analyst

Mar 2012 - Apr 2014

  • Digital Media initiatives and innovative direction for client projects surrounding.
  • Requirements building for Web, Mobile Web, iPhone and iPad applications, as well as internal business applications.
  • Interact with clients, internal and external, around technical functionality, back end interaction and user management, user experience, layout and functional design.


Overland Park, KS

App Dev II / Technical Project Manager

Sep 2009 - Feb 2012

  • Project management, delivering global business solutions for the Customer that meet business requirements within the agreed upon timelines.
  • Driving results through collaborative sessions, meetings and work sessions.
  • Liasion between the Customer business units and I/T as well as Ericsson resources, bringing them together to accomplish agreed upon tasks.
  • Drove the globalization process for applications needed to be used by Ericsson resources around the world to meet the needs of the Customer.
  • Delivered Sharepoint solution and helped run daily status calls and delivered VP-level reports for the UAT phase of the movement of Ericsson employees off of the Sprint network.


Feb 2001 - Sep 2009

Overland Park, KS

Various, last as Systems Analyst II

Feb 2001 - Sep 2009

  • Managed team responsible for delivering automation solutions to the Sprint I/T Helpdesk and building the reporting system used in providing Ops Reviews to Executive Management.
  • Provided daily mentoring, reviews and scheduling for team of 8 application developers as well as providing monthly reports to up-per management.
  • Wireline and Wireless Numbering Management and ensured compliance with FCC guidelines.
  • Liaison between I/T and the specific business unit impacted, including software integration, development and support.
  • nvolved in the Sprint Nextel integration activities as a SME.
  • Metrics and report creation with presentation to upper and senior management.
  • Systems and application administrator for tools related to Access Management’s day-to-day business and providing 24x7 support.

Hallmark Cards

Jun 1998 - Feb 2001

Kansas City, MO

Various, last as Technical Liason

Jun 1998 - Feb 2001

  • Responsibilities included specialized business unit technical support; systems and database analysis; helpdesk management; and liaison work between specific business units and I/T.